Filtering by: 2020 Special

Yin Yoga Retreat (German) - St Peter-Ording, GERMANY
to Dec 6

Yin Yoga Retreat (German) - St Peter-Ording, GERMANY

Yin Yoga Retreat - Das Kubatzki, St Peter-Ording
(in Germany)

About the Retreat

6 meditation practices and 6 Yin Yoga classes in 4 days. Complete Yin!
We will 100% practice, regenerate & let go. We will enjoy every day. We will laugh each day. We will be grateful everyday.
Yin Pure - we look forward to practicing with you.


Arrival Day
Thursday 03.12.2020
from 3.00pm - arrival & check-in
4.30pm - 6.30pm - welcome & yin yoga asana practice

Friday 04.12.2020
7.30am - 9.30am - meditation & yin yoga
4.30pm - 6.30pm - meditation & yin yoga

Saturday 05.12.2020
6.00am - silent walk at sunrise (je nach Wetterlage)
7.30am - 9.30am - meditation & yin yoga
4.30pm - 6.30pm - meditation & yin yoga

Sonntag, 06.12.2020

7.30am - 9.30am - meditation & yin yoga
after breakfast, then departure

299,00€ / 249,00€ (early bird offer if fully paid by 01.09.2020)

Hotel room price in Kubatzki
Price for hotel room and half pension for 4 days / 3 nights:
Mini single room 438€ for 1 person
Mono single room 498€ for 1 person
Stereo as single room 573€ for 1 person
Stereo as double room 708€ for 2 people
Maxi as double room 783€ for 2 people
(further room options on request)

Das Kubatzki, Im Bad 59, 25826 St. Peter-Ording

For further information and bookings please contact Kubatzi by telephone (04863-7040) or email

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Yin Yoga Masterclass "Why Are You Here?” (German) - Moenchengladbach, GERMANY
10:30 PM22:30

Yin Yoga Masterclass "Why Are You Here?” (German) - Moenchengladbach, GERMANY

Yin Yoga Masterclass "Why Are You Here?” at YogaHeimat, Moenchengladbach
(in German)

Your life's profound purpose!

Why Are You Here is posed at the beginning of class to lend more depth and purpose to your yoga practice.
Why Are You Here awakens consciousness, urging you to respond.

But what is the underlying purpose of our yoga practice and our lives? Why are we here?

In an initial lecture, we delineate the yogic view of the question why we are here and explain what our purpose in this life could be!  

Meditation and Contemplation
During a guided meditation, we will touch on every area of your life as you meditate on the question:
"Why am I here?"

A deeply personal and intense experience!

Yin Yoga Asana Practice
We will conclude the afternoon session with a Yin Yoga asana practice guiding, and integrating the charged mental energy throughout our bodies. Yin Yoga has a mental, emotional, energetic and physical effect. Following this very personal and intensive mediation/contemplation, we can expect response in all areas of our lives.

This asana practice can be challenging on all levels!

Are you ready to encounter your true self?


Sun 25 Oct 2020
10.00pm – 2.00pm

€69 (full price)

YogaHeimat, Dauner Str. 6, 41236 Moenchengladbach

More information and bookings at YogaHeimat

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop (German) - Düsseldorf, GERMANY
11:00 PM23:00

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop (German) - Düsseldorf, GERMANY

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop at Your Yoga Now!, Düsseldorf
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

Yin yoga is one of the calmest and most relaxing forms of yoga in the world, consisting of a series of passive poses of the body.

By means of long-held stretches (3–5 minutes) without muscle tension, we focus on the deep connective, fascial and ligamental tissues – stimulating, strengthening and stretching the tissues.

We mobilise the joints, and stimulate and calm the nervous system, thereby reducing stress and encouraging regeneration.

During the practice we temporarily slow down the flow of Chi energy, enabling the revitalising energy to accumulate and then flow more freely on conclusion of the practice.

Indeed for days after a yin yoga practice, we’ll feel blissfully relaxed and recharged.

Depending on the length of the workshop, either all or only certain themes of Yin Yoga and Anatomy theory – as listed below – will be discussed.
Depending on the length of the workshop, either all or only a selection of Yin Yoga and Anatomy listed below will be practiced.

All workshops are suitable for yoga teachers and also yoga students wishing to learn more about yin yoga and yoga anatomy.

Yin Yoga

What is yin yoga?
What is yang yoga?
What are the advantages of each kind of yoga?
How do they complement each other?
What is tension and what is compression?
What is the function of our connective tissue/fascia in this practice?
Stress and back pain, and yin yoga as a “therapeutic touch”

Yin yoga class /classes (Paul Grilley style)
Focus: back class

Yoga Anatomy

Skeletal variation
Compression and tension
Analysis of a yoga pose

Skeletal variation tests and practical consequences for yang yoga asanas and assists – such as lotus, shoulder stand, pigeon, down dog, warrior, etc.

We’ll analyse the following asanas in detail:
Lotus position        - external rotation of the hip joint
Reclining hero       -  internal rotation of the hip joint

We'll discuss the following issues:
What restrictions does my individual bone structure impose on me?
How different is it from other people’s bone structure?
Will I or my students ever manage to get into the lotus position or achieve a “perfect” pigeon, etc?
Where are the areas of compression and tension within my individual bone structure? How do I deal with it?
How can I stretch and stimulate the tissues, when compression is constricting me?
What is the physical function of a yoga pose?

Sat 24 October 2020
10.00am - 2.00pm

Your Yoga Now! Kaiserstr. 2, 40479 Düsseldorf

For more information Your Yoga Now!

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Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Workshop (German) - Graz, AUSTRIA
9:30 PM21:30

Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Workshop (German) - Graz, AUSTRIA

  • Studio Herzfeld (formally Yuna Place Graz) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Workshop - Studio Herzfeld (formally Yuna Place), Graz
(in German)

This workshop is suitable for yoga practitioners and yoga teachers alike.

During this workshop we explain Buddhist mindfulness and how to apply this principle in a Yin Yoga practice. Mindfulness is the key to find a deeper meaning in everything, e.g. your yoga practice, life, work and relationships. We learn to be open and non-resistant in the impermanence of living. We learn to be truly happy with what is.

· Yin Yoga asana practice
· Meditation

“The conditions of happiness are always around us, with us and within us.”
Sister Shalom


Sunday 4 October 2020
9.00am - 12.00pm


Studio Herzfeld (formally Yuna Place Graz), Körösistraße 9, A-8010 Graz, Austria

For further information: Studio Herzfeld

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop (German) - Bochum, GERMANY
11:00 PM23:00

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop (German) - Bochum, GERMANY

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop at Yogabar, Bochum
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

Yin yoga is one of the calmest and most relaxing forms of yoga in the world, consisting of a series of passive poses of the body.

By means of long-held stretches (3–5 minutes) without muscle tension, we focus on the deep connective, fascial and ligamental tissues – stimulating, strengthening and stretching the tissues.

We mobilise the joints, and stimulate and calm the nervous system, thereby reducing stress and encouraging regeneration.

During the practice we temporarily slow down the flow of Chi energy, enabling the revitalising energy to accumulate and then flow more freely on conclusion of the practice.

Indeed for days after a yin yoga practice, we’ll feel blissfully relaxed and recharged.

Depending on the length of the workshop, either all or only certain themes of Yin Yoga and Anatomy theory – as listed below – will be discussed.
Depending on the length of the workshop, either all or only a selection of Yin Yoga and Anatomy listed below will be practiced.

All workshops are suitable for yoga teachers and also yoga students wishing to learn more about yin yoga and yoga anatomy.

Yin Yoga

What is yin yoga?
What is yang yoga?
What are the advantages of each kind of yoga?
How do they complement each other?
What is tension and what is compression?
What is the function of our connective tissue/fascia in this practice?
Stress and back pain, and yin yoga as a “therapeutic touch”

Yin yoga class /classes (Paul Grilley style)
Focus: back class

Yoga Anatomy

Skeletal variation
Compression and tension
Analysis of a yoga pose

Skeletal variation tests and practical consequences for yang yoga asanas and assists – such as lotus, shoulder stand, pigeon, down dog, warrior, etc.

We’ll analyse the following asanas in detail:
Lotus position        - external rotation of the hip joint
Reclining hero       -  internal rotation of the hip joint

We'll discuss the following issues:
What restrictions does my individual bone structure impose on me?
How different is it from other people’s bone structure?
Will I or my students ever manage to get into the lotus position or achieve a “perfect” pigeon, etc?
Where are the areas of compression and tension within my individual bone structure? How do I deal with it?
How can I stretch and stimulate the tissues, when compression is constricting me?
What is the physical function of a yoga pose?

Sat 19 September 2020
11.00pm - 3.00pm 

Members €69
Non-members €79

Yogabar, Widumestr. 6, 44787 Bochum

For more information and bookings Yogabar

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Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop (German) - Lüneburg, GERMANY
10:00 PM22:00

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop (German) - Lüneburg, GERMANY

Yin Yoga & Anatomy Workshop at Yoga Connection, Lüneburg
(in German)

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” (Confucius)

Yin yoga is one of the calmest and most relaxing forms of yoga in the world, consisting of a series of passive poses of the body.

By means of long-held stretches (3–5 minutes) without muscle tension, we focus on the deep connective, fascial and ligamental tissues – stimulating, strengthening and stretching the tissues.

We mobilise the joints, and stimulate and calm the nervous system, thereby reducing stress and encouraging regeneration.

During the practice we temporarily slow down the flow of Chi energy, enabling the revitalising energy to accumulate and then flow more freely on conclusion of the practice.

Indeed for days after a yin yoga practice, we’ll feel blissfully relaxed and recharged.

Depending on the length of the workshop, either all or only certain themes of Yin Yoga and Anatomy theory – as listed below – will be discussed.
Depending on the length of the workshop, either all or only a selection of Yin Yoga and Anatomy listed below will be practiced.

All workshops are suitable for yoga teachers and also yoga students wishing to learn more about yin yoga and yoga anatomy.

Workshop I - Yin Yoga

What is yin yoga?
What is yang yoga?
What are the advantages of each kind of yoga?
How do they complement each other?
What is tension and what is compression?
What is the function of our connective tissue/fascia in this practice?
Stress and back pain, and yin yoga as a “therapeutic touch”

Yin yoga class /classes (Paul Grilley style)
Focus: back class

Workshop II - Yoga Anatomy

Skeletal variation
Compression and tension
Analysis of a yoga pose

Skeletal variation tests and practical consequences for yang yoga asanas and assists – such as lotus, shoulder stand, pigeon, down dog, warrior, etc.

We’ll analyse the following asanas in detail:
Lotus position        - external rotation of the hip joint
Reclining hero       -  internal rotation of the hip joint
Shoulder Stand       - neck, shoulder, collarbone and shoulder blade

We'll discuss the following issues:
What restrictions does my individual bone structure impose on me?
How different is it from other people’s bone structure?
Will I or my students ever manage to get into the lotus position or achieve a “perfect” pigeon, etc?
Where are the areas of compression and tension within my individual bone structure? How do I deal with it?
How can I stretch and stimulate the tissues, when compression is constricting me?
What is the physical function of a yoga pose?


Sat 29 August 2020
9.00am – 12.00pm Yin Yoga Workshop
1.00pm - 4.00pm  Anatomy Workshop

One Workshop €49
Both Workshops €89

Yoga Connection, Gaußstraße 15, 21335 Lüneburg

For more information please visit Yoga Connection

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