Yin Yoga & Energy Teacher Training III

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." (Lao-tzu)

You have already completed many steps along your personal Yin Yoga & Anatomy journey. In this training, we complete the Yin Yoga practice and yoga anatomy section and turn our focus to energy work, Chi Flow and Yoga philosophy.

Welcome to Yin Yoga & Energy Teacher Training III

The prerequisite for participation in the Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training III is Yin Therapy’s Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training II.

This 6 day / 50-hour certified intensive yoga teaching course comprises 5 sections:

1. Yin Yoga Asanas

In this Yin Yoga teacher training we focus on the upper body, e.g. shoulders, shoulder girdle, shoulder/neck region, wrists and, as in Module II, on the many variations of postures, passive assists, the creative and undogmatic approach to our practice and the practice of our students.

In addition, through special exercises in the asana practice we slowly begin to practically discover and experience the difference between blood, breath, nerve and chi flow in our body.

2. Blood, Nerves, Breath, Chi

It is our highest desire, that our students not only understand and impart the teachings of energy work cognitively, but above all feel the Chi flow every day in their pratice and thus teach from a place of personal experience.

How much power does the word of a teacher have who can explain a Nadi (meridian) in every facet because he/she can feel the Chi flowing through it?

How do I experience this as a teacher?

Heartbeat, blood circulation, nerve impulses, breath circulation are fluctuations in the body that can mask the ability to sense the underlying Chi flow and many experienced yoga students and teachers can mistaken eg. blood flow with Chi flow.

We explain blood, nerves, breathing anatomically and clarify with practical exercises, how to consciously feel blood, nerves, breath to enable us to place these sensations to the periphery.

What remains is chi.

3. Energy, Mantras & Philosophy

When we find ourselves on our yoga path, there comes a time when we will be drawn to explore deeper themes beyond asana practice.

Yoga philosophy, reincarnation, karma, the 3 realms, Patanjali's sutras, tantric chakra teachings, nadis (meridian theory) & mantra work - this is where we feel the key is to our true spiritual growth.

In Level III our journey with energy, mantras & yoga philosophy begins.

4. Upper Body Anatomy - Analyse, Tests & Passive Assists

In YYTT II, the focus was on the hip and knee joints.

In YYTT III, we learn about the muscle groups of the upper body, their function in movement theory, e.g. we take a closer look at the shoulder cuff which has a significant impact on our yang yoga practice.  We see the origins and insertions of the muscles, understand their function, and see the muscular and fascial chains and their role and implications on both our yin yoga and yang yoga practice.

We analyse compression and tension of the shoulder joint. We will explain and show its relevance in yang yoga asanas (Downward Facing Dog, Warrior), to demonstrate how individual bone structure affects both yang and yin yoga asana practice.

5. Meditation & Bija Mantra

In Modules III and IV we practice one hour of chakra meditations, SoHam/HamSa meditations and/or Bija Mantras every morning. We use this practice as an intensive preparation for the asana practice. We make our energetic-emotional body resonate.

Module III is perceived as very intensive due to its long practice units and their effect. We therefore recommend planning as little as possible around the training and using the free time and space during the training week for contemplation and relaxation.

We hope you enjoy YYTT III :-)

After each successfully completed module, participants receive a Yoga Alliance certification until the final 200 or 300 hour Yoga Alliance certificate is issued after the last module. All certificates (hours) can also be submitted to the Yoga Alliance as “Continuing Education”.

“What did I particularly like? Practical anatomy, lots of practical examples, pictures, the analysis of the asanas, extensive script. Thank you so much for helping me understand my own body and to become a better yoga teacher.” (YYTTII Hamburg)

— Alexandra B. yoga teacher, Deißlingen (Black Forest)
“So much input delivered with humour in a relaxed atmosphere and despite all your “knowledge” presented without dogma.”

— Elisa L. yoga teacher, Munich
Yin Therapy - Yin Yoga & Anatomy Teacher Training I Hamburg - Cattail.jpg
“I particularly enjoyed the easily understandable, thorough delivery of the complex course material, the combination of yin yoga practice and theory (with some fascinating revelations) and the wonderful languorous practice.” (YYTTII Hamburg)

— Nikola B. yoga teacher, Hamburg